Wednesday, May 28, 2014

pj day ,social butterfly ,and birthday planning

Hi so PJ day ended up being an at home event this year ,thanks to a lovely cough that woke everyone up at 2 a.m. Snuggles and movies were in order at least till 2p.m. when he started feeling better . 

It ended up being a busy weekend for Raiden he had his RCK 's bus competition on Saturday . Then on Sunday he went to a friends birthday party .

I've been cleaning all week in preperation for the twins FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! Which is on Saturday . We're hoping to see a few friends that we have't seen in a while. 

Today around noon we got bored and decided it was a good idea to go get last minute birthday items and pick up the cake early . So thats what happened . When we got home Dan went and got Raiden from the bus and then help our neighbour move . Leaving me in charge of dinner . Tonight's menu was simple grilled cheese and apples.  

Tomorrow should be interesting it's our first baseball night . We're starting late but he's excited .

Thursday, May 22, 2014

This past week OBGYN apointments and my belly casting advice

So it's now Thursday . This week was filled with appointments ,bible studies ,belly casting and trying to figure out what you can still register for because everyone wants active kids but no one advertises things properly .

So as I said in my last post this past weekend was a long weekend .So thes school week didn't start till Tuesday .Tuesday I had an OBGYN appointment in the morning .My Csection is booked for June 25 .After that we had an appointment with our new social worker who is thinking of closing our file.

Yesterday (Wednesday ) we did some garden  and birthday shopping and some more planting . We also went tto bible study, which drained all the kids energy .Which made for a very easy and very early bed time for the little ones (ALL OF THEM) This meant I had time to get Dan to help me do my belly casting . So away we went casting my belly .

Let me just say that this activity is not for everyone . You have to be very comfortable with your body at the time you wish to cast it. As this is going to be a permanent art peice of some sort . You have to be comfortable enough to be completely nude in front of your:"helper" . You should also plan on taking your shower after you do the belly cast .

P.S. tomorrows Raiden's first PJ Day!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Hi so the long weekend was okay ,once I realized it was  Victoria Day weekend that is . We did normal weekend stuff for the most part .

A normal weekend looks something like this right now:

Friday night is our early night (mostly because I need it to be for sanity purposes) butit ussually ends up being a late night with a movie or some peiced together thing we all do .

Saturday is our lazy grocery day .Basically we sleep in as long as possible then do groceries if needed (except Raidenslunch stuff)

Sunday is a early morning of trying to find everyones church clothes and get to church by 10am .after that we go get what ever is needed for school lunches.Thenwe go to family dinner later on . This Sunday we also did some gardening.

This weekend looked similar except we were sort of planning on going to the fireworks at the sports complex but never did .Instead Raiden spent the night at Grandpas.

It being a long weekend there was no school Monday . Raiden gothome just before dinner . Monday ended up being a cleaning day .Then the neighbour invited us to the park to watch fireworks , by this time the only ones awake were Raiden Dan and myself , so off the boys went while I stayed home with the sleeping babies.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

MAY 16 Birthday shopping

Yesterday we went shopping mostly for the twins birthday ,but got a few other things as well . Mostly because Dan doesn't know how to say no to Avianna . I had to tell him not to get her another pair of shoes.

To all the people who  decide to sit there and give me evil looks because my daughters have  crazy high pitch crys  just so your aware they don't help anything . And in my opinion are rude Just beause my daughter has a fit because she didn't get something or she has to wait or the  millions of other reasons either of them decide to scream and cry does not mean I'm going home because you can't understand and feel the need to be rude .

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Furniture assembling , Birthday Parties ,Ultrasounds , and Mothers day

So I know I haven't posted in a while . In the past two weeks we haven't done a whole lot. Well not to me anyways . Dan helped my Aunt with afew things ,we had a friends birthday party to go to ,an ultrasound and Mothers Day .Other then that it's been a typical few weeks .

While Dan helped my Aunt I did my best to keep this house functional.Which included curbing Avianna's tantrums; which are worse when Dans not around.The one morning her fit lasted two hours .No matter what I did or offered she wouldn't stop . Afew times I went to my parents house .A few times Icleaned my moms house {I usually pick the kids toys up no matter what ) but since mom broke her finger/arm I decided to do her floors and finish her dishes the one night ,

The birthday party was fun the whole family got to get out and socialize with a few friends we all have't seen in years.The kids blew off some energy and then came the sugar rush . All my friends have now met the twins minus maybe 5 people.

My ultrasound went well minus what they can't tell you.Baby is head down and everything looks good . We had originally planned on not finding out the sex  but ended caving .We have planned to not tell anyone minus a handful of people until a later date .

Mother's Day went well I slept in which if you ask Dan is nothing special. Which is true most days because he usually does bring Raiden to the bus stop and then I get up just before the twins. It'sa really bad habbit of mine,especially during the winter months(which just finished in April around here) Also I'm really bad for this while pregnant . So once Igot out of bed and had my brunch Igot my first school gift from Raiden. It was a card with a hand print flower and he made a picture of his mommy . Late we went to dinner where my sister gave me card .

Monday, May 5, 2014

No more physio ,Park,and Sub dinner

Hi,so what's new? The twins were discharged from the Children's Centre meaning they no longer are in physiotheropy .We are still having at home meeting with the development specialists though.small victories. 

Today was nice did some running around . The big kids have gone to the park with Dan Zoiee's napping and Daniel's sitting having aconversation with me. I'm going to get stuff ready for dinner . Subs are on tonight's menu .Anything where they have some sort of choice in how it's made seems to be a hit around here.