So halloween 2016went alright we had the kids halloween parade the twins and jaxx had a Halloween party at their daycare .After we picked the kids up we went out trick or treating . They got a decent amount of candy we went around my parents house and my fiances moms and grandmas houses .We had a combination of super heros including :
The Hulk
2 Batmen
A cat
and Supergirl
the kids had a blast ,but if there is one thing I did notice it is that Halloween is no where close to what it used to be .When I was a kid you walked everywhere and got at least one pillowcase of candy per child .AT LEAST! This year my kids maybe got a pillowcase worth combined .Thats five kids and one pillowcase .thats insane .What else gets me is what ever happened to UNICEF? You know the little orange boxes that mom would tie around your neck to collect all your neighbours pennies they collected the entire year literally just for Halloween .What happened to it .When did we become so greety that we can't even help collect money for things unless it benifits us or our children ?