Most of which you'll probably know if you follow my Facebook page for People Call It Crazy I call It Life.
I ask that you'll all bare with me while I figure this new blogging website out . :)

Here's more about us :
I'll start with Raiden ,Raiden was born September, 3, 2009 and weighed 8
lbs. 5 oz. I was 18 . He goes to school and i currently in J.K. he loves it . Raiden seems to have issues with red dye . Is genrally a hyper active child . He is also in speech therapy. He's my "love child" as his Biological father and I are no longer together and we'll leave it at that.This little guy changed my life forever. When I say this I mean it in the best way possible . He gave my life meaning and purpose and made me try harder to get to where I want to be in life. He also helped me gain confidence which lead to me meet my fiance .
My fiance and I met in very transitional times in our lives. I was transitioning into single parenthood and trying to figure out what that would look like . While he was transitioning into a sober lifestyle . I ended up helping a friend babysit his cousins kids around the same time he was living with her .We hit it off after a few months and lived with my parents.Then we moved to a rooming house for about a month while we looked for our first apartment. We've moved a couple times since then and are now back in our home town. I'll tell you about it another time maybe .

She is my second and biologically Dan's first although he's been around since Raiden was about 6 months. Avianna was born August ,7, 2011 and weighed 6lbs 8oz. if I remember correctly. She's my wild child and had a flat head for a while as a baby , but other then that she's had no issues other then baby bottle cavities .and now has caps on her 4 front teeth . Maybe I'll get Dan to write a post about that one day . That was an appointment he went to with her ,and I'm pretty sure neither of them liked that experience.

So because of all this craziness we have something I like to call our "home team " Their basically a group of different people who help me figure out day to day things and how I'm fitting everyone "stuff" into my schedule. We have a Social Worker , a Health nurse , a Home visitor and an Infant and Child Development specialist who come to our home bi-weekly (usually) and just re evaluate and help us figure things out .
So that's us, and this is our story!!Please enjoy and feel free to share :)
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