Hi So tomorrow I go see Dr. Chaudry and the twins have physio . I'll let you know how that goes as soon as I can get to a computer with internet after . (might be a day or two ) we're having serious issues with interenet and thinking of getting a new provider . I'm hoping to get an ultrasound appointment tomorrow . Cross your fingers !! with this pregnancy everything seems uncomfortable and I feel like I'm about to explode right now . My body has gone crazy since getting sick and I officially can only do so much .
Which isn't a good thing with 4 kids and our crazy life . I feel like this baby has taken up as much room as it's going to be able to seriously and according to my last ultrasound I'm ONLY 30 WEEKS!! I want to meet this baby now .. I'm a waddling mess.
I'm hoping this is one of the twins last physio appointments and that Speech thearopy calls me or my mothers back soon!! The twins are close to walking esspecially Dan
Anything and everything going on in my life . Mostly what its like to do day to day activities with 4 children and a dog who some call a horse
Monday, April 28, 2014
Sorry for going MIA and the Craziness of Easter weekend
Hi sorry I disappeared for a while it's been an uneventful yet eventful few weeks .Mom ended up having a diabetic reaction and fell out of bed once they finally finished moving my Aunt .After all which took most of the week before Easter .
Easter weekend I got sick then my sister mom and Dan all got sick. And now Raiden and Avianna are sick. We did manage to at least have an Easter egg hunt and things at moms though. Which was fun minus myself being sick .I'm finally functioning normally again .
Oh and mom fell and ended up going to the hospital Easter weekend as well. Nothings broken she just screwed her back up . Which is still just as bad . Today (April 28th) Raiden didn't go to school thanks to this gross bug going around . So he's kind of been a snuggle bug all day and just blah.
This week is filled with appointments. Our first was today with Roxanne we discussed goals and she helped us figure out recreational activity type things for the kids. We're thinking of putting Raiden in soccer and Avianna in Gymnastics. The twins we're hoping to get into swim lessons .Actually I want all the kids in swim lessons for safety reasons and well because generally Dan and I are out numbered .
So hopefully wee can do all of this during the summer and we'll all be kept busy because with school and everything now . We kind of have this unwritten unspoken routine and I'd like to replace it with something during the summer. Well at least the school part has to be replaced lol
Easter weekend I got sick then my sister mom and Dan all got sick. And now Raiden and Avianna are sick. We did manage to at least have an Easter egg hunt and things at moms though. Which was fun minus myself being sick .I'm finally functioning normally again .
Oh and mom fell and ended up going to the hospital Easter weekend as well. Nothings broken she just screwed her back up . Which is still just as bad . Today (April 28th) Raiden didn't go to school thanks to this gross bug going around . So he's kind of been a snuggle bug all day and just blah.
This week is filled with appointments. Our first was today with Roxanne we discussed goals and she helped us figure out recreational activity type things for the kids. We're thinking of putting Raiden in soccer and Avianna in Gymnastics. The twins we're hoping to get into swim lessons .Actually I want all the kids in swim lessons for safety reasons and well because generally Dan and I are out numbered .
So hopefully wee can do all of this during the summer and we'll all be kept busy because with school and everything now . We kind of have this unwritten unspoken routine and I'd like to replace it with something during the summer. Well at least the school part has to be replaced lol
Monday, April 14, 2014
Rainy weather ,moving, Autism and speech services .
Hi sorry I've been MIA for a few days I've been having issues with my internet and I've been an emotional wreck this pregnancy is getting to me .
So in the last week you haven't missed much just my crazy pregnant emotions. Oh and Dan's been helping my mom with some stuff and is helping my aunt move today .
We spent a few days at moms off and on the one night Dan made dinner or my weeks are mixing together I'm not sure . lol Raiden came home with a bruised lip the one day because in Raidens words " A kid threw a car at him and it was an accident " We've had some nice days this past week so we've been enjoying them and they've been draining most my energy .
I called speech services today in order to get Raiden reassessed . Apparently we have to switch our speech therapists because we moved I wasn't aware of this . The twins next Physio appt. is on the twenty-ninth.
Apparently she just wants to see how their doing around a year . So she made another appointment . Speaking of the twins my dad brought up Zoiee and looking into her being autistic I don't know if he's just been over educated because it's Autism Awareness Month or what ,but it's something they do at 18 months regardless and if for whatever reason we don't have a doctor by that point ( which we should ) I will figure out how to get them assessed. I'm actually thinking of bringing it up next time I see our home visitor . I don't know there's been certain things that have concerned me and I've been wanting to ask them a few questions about it any ways .
It's raining like crazy out today .Not the best day to move hopefully their done soon . I feel like todays post is all over the place today . Sorry guys . For now I have to go get everyone ready and pick him up and get back here before we're all drenched lol .
So in the last week you haven't missed much just my crazy pregnant emotions. Oh and Dan's been helping my mom with some stuff and is helping my aunt move today .
We spent a few days at moms off and on the one night Dan made dinner or my weeks are mixing together I'm not sure . lol Raiden came home with a bruised lip the one day because in Raidens words " A kid threw a car at him and it was an accident " We've had some nice days this past week so we've been enjoying them and they've been draining most my energy .
I called speech services today in order to get Raiden reassessed . Apparently we have to switch our speech therapists because we moved I wasn't aware of this . The twins next Physio appt. is on the twenty-ninth.
Apparently she just wants to see how their doing around a year . So she made another appointment . Speaking of the twins my dad brought up Zoiee and looking into her being autistic I don't know if he's just been over educated because it's Autism Awareness Month or what ,but it's something they do at 18 months regardless and if for whatever reason we don't have a doctor by that point ( which we should ) I will figure out how to get them assessed. I'm actually thinking of bringing it up next time I see our home visitor . I don't know there's been certain things that have concerned me and I've been wanting to ask them a few questions about it any ways .
It's raining like crazy out today .Not the best day to move hopefully their done soon . I feel like todays post is all over the place today . Sorry guys . For now I have to go get everyone ready and pick him up and get back here before we're all drenched lol .
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Brain development and attachment, dinner at mom's and Discipline .
Hi so today I slept most the morning away ,while Dan brought Raiden to the bus and the other three didn't wake up till he got back . I don't know why but I've been really off today .Once I did wake up in the afternoon sometime ( thank you Dan ) We cleaned and had an appointment with our home visitor. While she was here we did a little quiz thing about babies/children and attachment. She also told us about this study they did in Romania involving children in orphanages and brain development. It's actually really sad .Here is an article on it . But basically they found that these children had smaller brains and less gray matter then a child who wasn't "institutionalized" and that the y are actually more likely to have disabilities because of these things. I found it interesting so I thought I'd share.
After that Dan picked Raiden up and I met them with Avianna and the twins at my mom's where we had dinner and dessert and hung out with my younger nieces. Most of us ended up with a head ache because of all the noise the kids made but it was fun.
Raiden got in trouble again for physical contact at school . I don't really know what to do about it anymore everything we try seems to be in one ear and out the other . I'm going to try discussing a few things with his teachers maybe and see if we can work together to get this stuff all figured out . Heres to finding something that works in the discipline department and soon .
After that Dan picked Raiden up and I met them with Avianna and the twins at my mom's where we had dinner and dessert and hung out with my younger nieces. Most of us ended up with a head ache because of all the noise the kids made but it was fun.
Raiden got in trouble again for physical contact at school . I don't really know what to do about it anymore everything we try seems to be in one ear and out the other . I'm going to try discussing a few things with his teachers maybe and see if we can work together to get this stuff all figured out . Heres to finding something that works in the discipline department and soon .
Monday, April 7, 2014
Hi I have a few things that have been annoying me recently and just wanted to get them off my chest
So I have this "friend" who I just recently started talking to again more so because our children are friends and Raiden has a hard enough time making friends .
We had plans and she ditched . I say ditched because not only did she not call to reschedule . but she then either made up an excuse or was seriously considering bringing a sick child over to my house .I'm talking flu sick.
My issue with this is well because of custody and visitation things she only sees her son on weekends and what not ,and she ONLY has a son . Where I have 4 children and I'm currently pregnant .Who in their right mind brings over a child with the flu over to someones house ??Especially when their pregnant ??
By the way this was all planned that weekend too so it wasn't a oh crap Joey has a cold going to have to cancel . This was a well known thing before she actually made plans
Lets go through the thought process here shall we:
-Oh "Joey" seems to have the flu .
-Look liz is on line . I want to get the boys together lets see if she wants to have a play date ...
-Oh wait" Joey" has the flu ..oh well
K: hey liz hows it going what you doing this weekend
Me: nothing
K:want to get the kids together
Day shows up ...
No one comes over ,No phone calls no FB messages
like 3 days later
Oh hey "joey " gave me the flu sorry
Anyone else see the problem here ??
Me: nothing
K:want to get the kids together
Day shows up ...
No one comes over ,No phone calls no FB messages
like 3 days later
Oh hey "joey " gave me the flu sorry
Anyone else see the problem here ??
It was raining and we needed milk and a few other things but milk was a priority .So out Dan went to grab some milk till morning when we could go out and get the rest of the list .
While out he decided to grab himself a hot chocolate and a bagel and he meant to get me a croissant warmed up and a tea. His order was right and we've never had issues before so off he went back home, with what he thought was the right order .
Well he brings it up to me and I thank him and start opening up the bag with my croissant. What I find is not a warmed croissant ,it wasn't even toasted , it was BURNT!!At this point I figured it was a new guy and he was just tired from working all night . Mostly because I still had my tea or so I thought . There wasn't a bag in it but after getting a burnt croissant I figured they just made a steeped tea instead. WRONG I didn't even have to take a sip and I could smell coffee and so thinking Dan might have gotten me something else ( he does sometimes especially when theres new items on the menu . I asked what you get me ..He said "a tea?"
Now I was annoyed not only did they not warm up my croissant wrong they didn't even get the order right ?? I called and talked to this girl, she told me to bring it in so I did she remade my order .
But while she was doing so the guy who originally served Dan decided to put his to cents in .
So as the lady was fixing his mistake . He's sitting at the back cleaning or something and decides to inform me that not only did Dan sit their and "watch" him make my croissant but you apparently have to INFORM THEM how you want your croissant WARMED !! Really last time I checked warmed and toasted/burnt are two different things ?? And I'm pretty sure I've NEVER had to ask before because most people know the difference.
Also pretty sure Tim Hortons head people aren't going to be too impressed with you considering they like consistency. And your attitude wasn't needed either thanks . Oh and I'm pretty sure there would be a worldwide notice if they decided there were two different ways to warm anything . And if anyone noticed I didn't mention anything about the fact that i had to walk back in the pouring rain .. thanks to this genius yup lets ignore that fact .
Rant 3:
Facebook and the Upsee
To everyone making Upsee meme's on facebook about the father who made this genius invention to help his son. PLEASE do some research . The truth is that a MOTHER named Debby Elnatan made this invention and while I think it's a great idea and it's awesome that she made these ect. I feel that she deserves the recognition not this random potentially made up guy . The company's name is firefly.
Appointments .. appointments and more appointments
Today was alright ,Dan took Raiden to the bus stop. then came home we got everyone up and dressed. Just as our health nurse stopped by . That went well we discussed what we'd like and were working on because we've been transferred to our "home town" office. After She left we called my mom and packed up to head out to our next appointment of the day.Which was more for Dan and I so the little ones went for a drive with my mom. We discussed a few things and set out our goals for the next few months. She gave us a few forms for various doctors and other people to fill out . After our meeting we all went to get Timmies. We were just gong to go through the drive through but it ended up being a mile long . So we parked and Dan went in and got us all lunch .
We ate in the parking lot. Then we headed back out to get the forms and things for the twins birth certificates. ( yes I realize they are going on 11 months ) Then we headed to bank and home, Where we were greeted by our Social worker. (who we completely forgot was coming today) We sat down and discussed how I'm pregnant and why it hadn't been brought up earlier. Along with a few things we had talked about with our health nurse like how we are going to be starting the Triple P discipline program at home with our health nurse. It's usually done at a public building but because we'd have to find child care and things to do it that way we all agreed we'd just do it at home and that would make things a little easier .
Raiden acted up while our social worker was here.and was sent to his room for a while. We also discussed how we're going to be looking into a few things with doctors here . Like why Raidens so hyper active and what exactly is causing the red dye issues . Dan's gone to get dinner Zoiee and Dj are sleeping and the big kids are (supposed to be ) watching TV down stairs . I'm going to go see how that's going
We ate in the parking lot. Then we headed back out to get the forms and things for the twins birth certificates. ( yes I realize they are going on 11 months ) Then we headed to bank and home, Where we were greeted by our Social worker. (who we completely forgot was coming today) We sat down and discussed how I'm pregnant and why it hadn't been brought up earlier. Along with a few things we had talked about with our health nurse like how we are going to be starting the Triple P discipline program at home with our health nurse. It's usually done at a public building but because we'd have to find child care and things to do it that way we all agreed we'd just do it at home and that would make things a little easier .
Raiden acted up while our social worker was here.and was sent to his room for a while. We also discussed how we're going to be looking into a few things with doctors here . Like why Raidens so hyper active and what exactly is causing the red dye issues . Dan's gone to get dinner Zoiee and Dj are sleeping and the big kids are (supposed to be ) watching TV down stairs . I'm going to go see how that's going
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Laundry Machines, Dinner , and Makeup
So today Started out rough , I woke up with a head ache and some how Raiden seemed to wake up super early after going to bed at 11:30 ish ( which is normal and I should be used to this by now but I'm not ) After we woke up and I managed to get out of my grumpy pants . I started the normal daily stuff launrdy ,dress children ect. Then my mom called and needed help moving a washer (might have been a dryer I don't remember) Any way so she needed help moving a laundry machine of some sort and called Dan to help carry it .So off he went .
By now it was around lunch so I fed the kids put the children for a nap and quiet time ( for the none napper ) He still fell asleep .And then finished laundry and got everyone ready to go to Grandma's ( she had invited us to dinner when she picked Dan up ) which is normal for Sunday .
When Dan got home he brought Raiden ,Avianna and Zoiee out side to play while i got myself ready ( D.J . was still sleeping ) After I was ready and got everything together to go I brought D.J. out with the rest of the monkey's. Raiden decided he wanted to ride his bike which wasn't a problem .So everyone grabbed their sweaters and or coats and we headed out the door . Then as usual Avianna had to use the potty . So finally we start heading to grandma's . We got all most all the way there (we were literally at the corner of my mother's street ) and we get a phone call asking if we're coming . lol

Dinner goes well except Raiden's tired from his bike ride . After dinner we spent some time as a family .Having tea, babbling,laughing at the babies and kids . then Avianna goes into Aunty Adriane's room and finds a mirror and Aunty gives her some old make up so she can play . This all gets transferred to the living room where Dan sits with her to try and encourage her to play makeup . at which point she decides she doesn't want to do her make up . She wants to do Daddy's makeup . So thats what happened . After she was done Daddy's make up she did her own . There were lots of laughs involved
The two of them after Avianna was done doing their makeup .
By now it was around lunch so I fed the kids put the children for a nap and quiet time ( for the none napper ) He still fell asleep .And then finished laundry and got everyone ready to go to Grandma's ( she had invited us to dinner when she picked Dan up ) which is normal for Sunday .
When Dan got home he brought Raiden ,Avianna and Zoiee out side to play while i got myself ready ( D.J . was still sleeping ) After I was ready and got everything together to go I brought D.J. out with the rest of the monkey's. Raiden decided he wanted to ride his bike which wasn't a problem .So everyone grabbed their sweaters and or coats and we headed out the door . Then as usual Avianna had to use the potty . So finally we start heading to grandma's . We got all most all the way there (we were literally at the corner of my mother's street ) and we get a phone call asking if we're coming . lol

The two of them after Avianna was done doing their makeup .
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Lazy Saturday !!
Hi so today was relaxing ..and not so eventful.. Frank got the runs if you seriously want to read about it you can do so here. The older two hung out with Grandpa for a while and Dan went to his sisters . So it was the twins and I we didn't do much just played for a while .Then I fed them and put them for a nap . While they were napping I looked up some homemade cleaning products . That I can make myself and will hopefully save some money doing so . I got them from here. The trick will now be to convince Dan that it will save us money. I also managed to do some laundry .
Oh and Derek came over and our on again off again leak is finally fixed ( I think ) I haven't actually tested it . But lets cross our fingers and hope so . I'm SO beyond done with this leak thing . Oh and he finally found the piece he needs for our tub YAY!! it was like $3 at Canadian Tire . So much for spending like 30-40 for some one to make a piece for the tub . Oh well .
Now to figure out where Dan wondered off to and make dinner .
Oh and Derek came over and our on again off again leak is finally fixed ( I think ) I haven't actually tested it . But lets cross our fingers and hope so . I'm SO beyond done with this leak thing . Oh and he finally found the piece he needs for our tub YAY!! it was like $3 at Canadian Tire . So much for spending like 30-40 for some one to make a piece for the tub . Oh well .
Now to figure out where Dan wondered off to and make dinner .
Puppy poop
So Frank got into the garbage and has now had the runs for a few days ,I'm not a doctor of any sort but he doesn't seem to be complaining about it. And other then having the runs and being super gassy .He seems to be okay .He doesn't whine or complain about me rubbing his belly or anything (like my sisters cats did after surgery ) except when he has to go because he knows he can't hold it .:( my poor puppy . As a result we will be putting a bag in our big garbage out side and all things that are no longer eatable or are just packaging will be put there right away . No questions asked . Franks too loved in this house to lose . So we will attempt to make sure that doesn't happen to the best of our abilities for as long as possible . Which means the garbage officially belongs outside and no where else . :)
So Frank got into the garbage and has now had the runs for a few days ,I'm not a doctor of any sort but he doesn't seem to be complaining about it. And other then having the runs and being super gassy .He seems to be okay .He doesn't whine or complain about me rubbing his belly or anything (like my sisters cats did after surgery ) except when he has to go because he knows he can't hold it .:( my poor puppy . As a result we will be putting a bag in our big garbage out side and all things that are no longer eatable or are just packaging will be put there right away . No questions asked . Franks too loved in this house to lose . So we will attempt to make sure that doesn't happen to the best of our abilities for as long as possible . Which means the garbage officially belongs outside and no where else . :)
A Day of Fun
Hi so about three years ago near the end of summer ,we as a family decided to go to Marine Land . It was when all the protesters were supposed to be there destroying everyone's fun because of "animal abuse " which isn't a quote thing it's a serious issue and if it's going on it needs to stop but that another post .For now back to this post .Because of all the bad publicity Marine Land was getting we got a few pretty mean comments and concerns .We went anyways .We figured he's almost three ,he doesn't understand politics and things and he begged to go ALL summer . I loved this day. He was amazed by it all and had a fit when he couldn't ride on Dragon Mountain . It was magical ,even for me . He also willingly without help from family and friends let me take pictures .He never lets me do that .The good pictures I snuck up on him or he told me to take a picture . For what ever reason he will not let ME and only ME take his picture unless he says it's okay . He has also not let other family members take pictures . The only ones we've had 0 tantrums with are school pictures and the ones from sears when he was a baby . I mostly love this day because there was no fighting over picture taking ,No worries or tantrums (until home time ) but he fell asleep shortly after. It was just pure fun and excitement .It was one of very few days he looked at the camera and smiled a real smile with out giving me permission.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Appointments,drunk bus passengers and pictures with a side of McDonald's
Hi , today was rainy and just a blah type day , but we were all up and dressed earlier then normal . We had our Infant and Child Development nurse come for a visit this morning . She basically said the twins are doing fine and that we should start working on standing and walking soon .Personally this mama's not ready for that.
After she left we did some running around and had pizza for lunch . Then went home and took a nap .Like I said today was a blah day . At least until we picked Raiden up .See earlier today (around noon) we decided to get pictures of the twins. Mostly because we have pictures of all the kids as babies and didn't have any of the twins .Oh and we happened to have some extra money lying around. So we went for pictures after picking Raiden up . For the record this wasn't the smartest idea .
We took the bus that was fun. Raiden slept the entire way ,so did Zoiee .Avianna and Daniel just sat there looking at all the passengers and talking to anyone who would talk back. The passengers that's where it got really interesting .You see there were a few highschool/college students at our normal bus stop today and well some were drunk. One in particular was so out of it (from god knows what) That she completely passed out cold ,to a point where we had to make sure she was still breathing and pull over to call the Transit office.
So once that was over we got on our next bus and went to get the twins pictures taken. that's where it started.
While we were trying to get pictures of the twins Raiden and Avianna (as always following her brother) decided not to listen to ANYTHING.Not one word. They just ran around like lunatics and no matter how much we tried to discipline them they would not listen. Raiden was the leader of the chaos .It was more when we were reviewing the pictures to pick out a package that they really decided to act up . Once again more so Raiden then Avianna . Raiden's selective hearing concerns me sometimes. My apologies to all the Walmart staff.. except the photo lady .. the dirty looks were far from needed and if you thought Raiden climbing on chairs and sitting around the corner from us was bad (among other random event's that occurred today) My kid's would probably give you a heart attack .. I understand safety and things but in some situations especially with Raiden negative feed back makes things escalate. And as much as that's true we made sure they both understood what they did was wrong and not how you behave in public .
So once the pictures were done they seemed to be trying to start to listen . That's when we decided to attempt going to Mac Donald's . Once again the none listening misbehaved children came out and this time it got SO.. bad I told Dan to cancel our order and left without him ( he still got our order for everyone ) but they weren't to touch it until we got home . And I absolutely made sure they got the misbehaving equals no treats thing. I walked right out to the bus stop and everything . By the end they got it and we snuck their dinner into the taxi.. Which they were aloud to eat once they got home . But they aren't aloud to have their toys till we say its okay .. I'm pretty sure their still sitting on the counter actually
After she left we did some running around and had pizza for lunch . Then went home and took a nap .Like I said today was a blah day . At least until we picked Raiden up .See earlier today (around noon) we decided to get pictures of the twins. Mostly because we have pictures of all the kids as babies and didn't have any of the twins .Oh and we happened to have some extra money lying around. So we went for pictures after picking Raiden up . For the record this wasn't the smartest idea .
We took the bus that was fun. Raiden slept the entire way ,so did Zoiee .Avianna and Daniel just sat there looking at all the passengers and talking to anyone who would talk back. The passengers that's where it got really interesting .You see there were a few highschool/college students at our normal bus stop today and well some were drunk. One in particular was so out of it (from god knows what) That she completely passed out cold ,to a point where we had to make sure she was still breathing and pull over to call the Transit office.
So once that was over we got on our next bus and went to get the twins pictures taken. that's where it started.
While we were trying to get pictures of the twins Raiden and Avianna (as always following her brother) decided not to listen to ANYTHING.Not one word. They just ran around like lunatics and no matter how much we tried to discipline them they would not listen. Raiden was the leader of the chaos .It was more when we were reviewing the pictures to pick out a package that they really decided to act up . Once again more so Raiden then Avianna . Raiden's selective hearing concerns me sometimes. My apologies to all the Walmart staff.. except the photo lady .. the dirty looks were far from needed and if you thought Raiden climbing on chairs and sitting around the corner from us was bad (among other random event's that occurred today) My kid's would probably give you a heart attack .. I understand safety and things but in some situations especially with Raiden negative feed back makes things escalate. And as much as that's true we made sure they both understood what they did was wrong and not how you behave in public .
So once the pictures were done they seemed to be trying to start to listen . That's when we decided to attempt going to Mac Donald's . Once again the none listening misbehaved children came out and this time it got SO.. bad I told Dan to cancel our order and left without him ( he still got our order for everyone ) but they weren't to touch it until we got home . And I absolutely made sure they got the misbehaving equals no treats thing. I walked right out to the bus stop and everything . By the end they got it and we snuck their dinner into the taxi.. Which they were aloud to eat once they got home . But they aren't aloud to have their toys till we say its okay .. I'm pretty sure their still sitting on the counter actually
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Blood work and Vaccinations
Okay so now that I've introduced myself and my family let's talk about today .
Today I went for blood work .Specifically the STD screening they do when your pregnant and my glucose test for gestational diabetes . We ( the twins and I ) also went to get their immunizations caught up . They did better then I thought .I was preparing for a screaming match especially from Zoiee ,but that's not what happened . Instead they both whined for like two seconds each and went on with their business.
Now lets go back to my blood work .Can I just say how much I absolutely HATE glucose tests . I was forced to not have sugar in my tea this morning and could only eat Toast and butter for breakfast .I'm more of a apple or banana ,double double tea with milk and run out the door before we miss the bus type person.
Oh and you want to make sure I have at least a tea in the morning if not you best not be talking to me till I get one . I'm not at all a morning person .Especially when I don't get my tea.
Now off to figure out dinner before all the kids wake up !! Oh and then we get the yummy goodness Dan bought when he went to the pharmacy earlier!! I can't wait :)
Today I went for blood work .Specifically the STD screening they do when your pregnant and my glucose test for gestational diabetes . We ( the twins and I ) also went to get their immunizations caught up . They did better then I thought .I was preparing for a screaming match especially from Zoiee ,but that's not what happened . Instead they both whined for like two seconds each and went on with their business.
Now lets go back to my blood work .Can I just say how much I absolutely HATE glucose tests . I was forced to not have sugar in my tea this morning and could only eat Toast and butter for breakfast .I'm more of a apple or banana ,double double tea with milk and run out the door before we miss the bus type person.
Oh and you want to make sure I have at least a tea in the morning if not you best not be talking to me till I get one . I'm not at all a morning person .Especially when I don't get my tea.
Now off to figure out dinner before all the kids wake up !! Oh and then we get the yummy goodness Dan bought when he went to the pharmacy earlier!! I can't wait :)
How It All Started !!
Hi So here it goes my first blog post ...
Most of which you'll probably know if you follow my Facebook page for People Call It Crazy I call It Life.
I ask that you'll all bare with me while I figure this new blogging website out . :)
Okay so I'm 24 with four going on five children a fiance and a dog.I have a four year old son ,a 2 year old daughter and 10 month old twins .I am also currently 27 weeks pregnant . My fiance is 28 and our Dogo Argentino is around the same age as our oldest daughter .We are Christian but do not force religion on others.Although it might come up every now and again.
Here's more about us :
I'll start with Raiden ,Raiden was born September, 3, 2009 and weighed 8
lbs. 5 oz. I was 18 . He goes to school and i currently in J.K. he loves it . Raiden seems to have issues with red dye . Is genrally a hyper active child . He is also in speech therapy. He's my "love child" as his Biological father and I are no longer together and we'll leave it at that.This little guy changed my life forever. When I say this I mean it in the best way possible . He gave my life meaning and purpose and made me try harder to get to where I want to be in life. He also helped me gain confidence which lead to me meet my fiance .
My fiance and I met in very transitional times in our lives. I was transitioning into single parenthood and trying to figure out what that would look like . While he was transitioning into a sober lifestyle . I ended up helping a friend babysit his cousins kids around the same time he was living with her .We hit it off after a few months and lived with my parents.Then we moved to a rooming house for about a month while we looked for our first apartment. We've moved a couple times since then and are now back in our home town. I'll tell you about it another time maybe .
We started searching for an actual apartment because we found out I was pregnant with Avianna.
She is my second and biologically Dan's first although he's been around since Raiden was about 6 months. Avianna was born August ,7, 2011 and weighed 6lbs 8oz. if I remember correctly. She's my wild child and had a flat head for a while as a baby , but other then that she's had no issues other then baby bottle cavities .and now has caps on her 4 front teeth . Maybe I'll get Dan to write a post about that one day . That was an appointment he went to with her ,and I'm pretty sure neither of them liked that experience.
We found out Avianna and Raiden would be big siblings around the beginning of August 2012 . They officially became big siblings (Raiden for the second time) May 31,2013 at midnight .Zoiee was first and weighed 5lbs 14oz. and Daniel Jr. was second weighing 6lbs 8oz. .Don't quote me on that the whole day was a blur . The twins were one minute apart , and I ended up in a blood transfusion. Well actually two transfusions. Zoiee and Daniel were both diagnosed with torticollis at around 3 or 4 months and have been going to physiotherapy for about almost a year . They have been getting better and are in the 25 percentile for their age . Please don't ask me what that means because truthfully I have NO CLUE !! All I do know is their crawling ,pulling them selves up and babbling. So I think they'll be okay at this point.
So because of all this craziness we have something I like to call our "home team " Their basically a group of different people who help me figure out day to day things and how I'm fitting everyone "stuff" into my schedule. We have a Social Worker , a Health nurse , a Home visitor and an Infant and Child Development specialist who come to our home bi-weekly (usually) and just re evaluate and help us figure things out .
Then there's Frankenstein. Oh Frank how we love you . Frank is about a 2 year old puppy we got "stuck" babysitting and their owner never came back to get him . Frank is a Dogo Argentio and he is the biggest suck EVER !! He has one blue eye and one brown , He's massive and has black spots on him like a dalmatian would ( there not actually supposed to be there) . We love him and he's become part of the family and is crazy protective over all my babies .Even when the twins were born Dan the kids and I were the only ones aloud to touch them . Everyone else got the back away stare and Frank would stand in front of them .
So that's us, and this is our story!!Please enjoy and feel free to share :)
Most of which you'll probably know if you follow my Facebook page for People Call It Crazy I call It Life.
I ask that you'll all bare with me while I figure this new blogging website out . :)

Here's more about us :
I'll start with Raiden ,Raiden was born September, 3, 2009 and weighed 8
lbs. 5 oz. I was 18 . He goes to school and i currently in J.K. he loves it . Raiden seems to have issues with red dye . Is genrally a hyper active child . He is also in speech therapy. He's my "love child" as his Biological father and I are no longer together and we'll leave it at that.This little guy changed my life forever. When I say this I mean it in the best way possible . He gave my life meaning and purpose and made me try harder to get to where I want to be in life. He also helped me gain confidence which lead to me meet my fiance .
My fiance and I met in very transitional times in our lives. I was transitioning into single parenthood and trying to figure out what that would look like . While he was transitioning into a sober lifestyle . I ended up helping a friend babysit his cousins kids around the same time he was living with her .We hit it off after a few months and lived with my parents.Then we moved to a rooming house for about a month while we looked for our first apartment. We've moved a couple times since then and are now back in our home town. I'll tell you about it another time maybe .

She is my second and biologically Dan's first although he's been around since Raiden was about 6 months. Avianna was born August ,7, 2011 and weighed 6lbs 8oz. if I remember correctly. She's my wild child and had a flat head for a while as a baby , but other then that she's had no issues other then baby bottle cavities .and now has caps on her 4 front teeth . Maybe I'll get Dan to write a post about that one day . That was an appointment he went to with her ,and I'm pretty sure neither of them liked that experience.

So because of all this craziness we have something I like to call our "home team " Their basically a group of different people who help me figure out day to day things and how I'm fitting everyone "stuff" into my schedule. We have a Social Worker , a Health nurse , a Home visitor and an Infant and Child Development specialist who come to our home bi-weekly (usually) and just re evaluate and help us figure things out .
So that's us, and this is our story!!Please enjoy and feel free to share :)
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